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Ireland - Wikipedia in Europe (green & dark grey) Geography Location Western Europe Coordinates Area 84421 km 2 (32595 sq mi) [dubious discuss] Area rank 20th Coastline Repblica da Irlanda Wikipdia a enciclopdia livre A Irlanda o sucessor do Estado Livre Irlands Este domnio tem sido constitudo quando toda a ilha da Irlanda se separou do Reino Unido da Gr-Bretanha e YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love upload original content and share it all with friends family and the world on YouTube Republic of Ireland - Wikipedia ^Article 4 of the Constitution of Ireland declares that the name of the state is Ireland; Section 2 of the Republic of Ireland Act 1948 declares that Irlanda - Wikipedia Tra il V e il IV secolo aC in Irlanda si insediarono i gaeli una popolazione di origine celtica Dopo il '400 ebbe inizio l'opera di evangelizzazione del paese a Republik Irlandia - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia Ibu kota (dan kota terbesar) Dublin: Bahasa resmi: Irlandia dan Inggris: Pemerintahan: Republik parlementer - Presiden: Michael D Higgins - Taoiseach: Enda Kenny Irlanda - Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Irlanda (irlands: ire [e]; ingls: Ireland) tambin conocida como la Repblica de Irlanda (en irlands: Poblacht na hireann; en ingls: Republic Tourism Ireland Oz - Official Site Official Website of Tourism Ireland for visitors to Ireland Information on accommodation in Ireland activities in Ireland events in Ireland and much more Home - English - Ireland - Siemens Electrification automation and digitalization require innovative solutions: Discover Siemens Ireland as a strong partner technological pioneer and responsible employer rlanda Gezi Rehberi Gezimanya Gezimanya'da rlanda hakknda bilgi bulabilir rlanda gezi notlarna fotoraflarna turlarna ve videolarna ulaabilirsiniz
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